Dual Chambered Slurpees at 7-11

Breaking news! Coming to a 7-Eleven near you this June- a new take on the Slurpee. Dual Chambered Slurpees will have a special valve and double straw contraption that will let you drink either of your flavor choices or BOTH at the same time! Damn yo! No more mixed up rainbow slush at the bottom of the cup. Ok yes Sevs has done double chambered cups before with the “Slurp and Gulp” (which combined a Big Gulp in an outer chamber surrounding a smaller sized Slurpee) BUT that did not have the innovative mixing valve straw. You can bet your bippy that Gluttoner‘s street crew will be on the scene to try these out as soon as they’re released (our Slurpee flavors of choice are bubble gum and cherry coke, btw). (photo via)


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