Eat a 2 Year Old Sandwich (and live)

What’s the oldest sandwich you’ll eat? One made earlier in the day? Yesterday? Last week? How about one that’s 2 years old. With Tactical Sammiches you can store either a Pepperoni or Honey BBQ Beef sandwich for up to 2 years. Stock up your bomb shelter now because you’re gonna get sick of …

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Pirate Breakfast

Avast ye mateys! Arrr, this is how me eat breakfast e’ery mornin before headin’ out on my ship t’ go raid some booty on the high seas. Aye, eggs, bacon, skull, bones, yums. Gar.


Tetris Sugar Cubes

Drinking coffee is a whole lot more fun with Tetris Sugar Cubes, a conceptual idea that needs to be produced. You play enough Tetris and you start having Tetris dreams, why not have Tetris wake you up too with a bit of sugar in your cup of joe? Why stop at Tetris- anything …

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How to Cut Your Small Pizza Pie into Big Slices

You’ve just made a homemade pizza in your oven using your pizza stone or a pan. You’re ready to cut it up using the traditional slice-it-across-the-diameter with a pizza cutter method. But this way you are going to end up with 4, 6, or 8 tiny slices depending upon how many times you …

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Five Weird Foods Depicting the Royal Wedding

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton as represented in a few unusual food items. Sure anyone can slap a Union Jack on a cupcake and call it a Royal Wedding cupcake but how about a Papa John’s pizza with the toppings arranged in a portrait of the couple (above)? Yep. …

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Pig Equation Tattoo

Let’s doublecheck the math on this tattoo: pig divided by knife plus fire equals delicious pork products. Yep it doesn’t take a Mathlete to determine that it all adds up properly. I believe this is the calculus of conspicuous caloric consumption. (via)